
Average (or arithmetic mean or simply mean) is the sum of the numbers divided by total numbers.

Where n is the total number of observations (how many numbers we are adding).

Example 1. What is the average of the numbers: 4, 5, 9, 3, 2 and 13?
Here, total number of observations = n = 6. Hence,

Example 2. What is the average of the numbers: 3, 8, 0, 2, 2, 0, 10 and 7?
Here, total number of observations = n = 8. Hence,

Average of Percentages
We take average of percentages in the same way as in the average of numbers.

Example 3. What is the average of 7%, 10% and 4%?
Here, total number of observations = n = 3. Hence,

In Finance, we calculate average return in the same way as average of percentages.

Example 4. The following table shows the average return from a corporate bond for the past ten years. What is the average return from the bond?

Return (%)8.59568.27.61010.99.711.1

Here, total number of observations = n = 10. Hence,

Basic Financial Terms
Basic Financial terms in Corporate and Mathematical Finance
Financial Portfolio Analysis
Selection of assets, risk and return, and portfolio analysis
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